Textile Museum Associates of Southern California, Inc. (TMA/SC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1985. TMA/SC presents monthly educational programs, discussions, field trips, and special events focused on handmade textiles, ethnographic weavings and dress, Oriental carpets and fiber art from around the world, mostly from non-Western cultures.
Our programs feature nationally and internationally renowned scholars, curators, collectors, dealers and other experts, including our own enthusiastic and knowledgeable members. We welcome guests and new members.
TMA/SC is associated with The Textile Museum at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. (https://museum.gwu.edu/) and the American Conference on Oriental Rugs, and currently has about 165 members.
We are currently presenting all programs via Zoom, through mid-2021.
For INFORMATION about our upcoming programs, please contact us via info@tmasc.org